SASSMANNSHAUS, EGON - Early Start on the Viola - Vol. 1 - A viola method for children age four and older - nuty na altówkę - Bärenreiter Verlag - BA9686
Kompozytor / Autor: Sassmannshaus, Egon
Cena: 75.00 zł brutto
Publikacja zawiera:
- Note Values And Symbols
- Open Strings
- String Crossing
- The "Cuckoo's Third" With The Second Finger
- The Fourth Finger
- The First Finger
- String Crossings And Fingerings On Different Strings
- The Third Finger
- Accidentals
- Scales On Two Strings
- More Exercises, Songs And Stroke Patterns
- New Stroke Patterns
- Slurred Notes
- The Portato Stroke
Kod producenta: BA9686
Stan produktu: nowy
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